Signage municipal fees in businesses and billboards by ERP/GIS technology

Signage municipal fees in businesses and billboards with ERPGIS technology

Signage fees on business properties and billboards are imposed by the local authorities and municipalities on business signs located in public areas Management of signage fees using GIS technology enables the following advantages:

  • Increasing the municipality’s revenue from signage fees and billboards.
  • An annual periodic update only for the new signs saves expenses and increases revenue for the Authority
  • An exhaustive and effective dialogue with the taxpayer that includes a visual geographic presentation of the properties and signs.
  • Improves the visibility of the city and the quality of the environment.

The project is divided into two main phases:

  1. Geographic survey of signage fees on business properties and billboards in the city in accordance with local law.
  2. Managing the signage fees and billboards in the business licensing system using ERPGIS technology.

Conducting the survey includes data collection from all the businesses in the city, and as a result their advertising signs, as follows:

  • Locating mapping and geographic location of all businesses in the city, including address data – street name and building number, block, plot, lot, neighborhood, etc.
  • Finding the name of the business owner.
  • Pictures of the business (front and interior).
  • Occupation group.
  • Occupation details.
  • The essence of the business and the description of the essence.
  • The license certificates from the authority’s data or presented by the business owner to the inspector in the field.
  • License number.
  • License status.
  • The name of the tenant of the property.
  • Signs survey data
  • Contacts details: Fax/email/Telephone/mobile
  • Cross-referencing the signage and business licensing data to the municipality’s property tax billing data file.
  • Finding Prohibited signs by the law.
  • Property area in property tax/lot owner/lessor/property number.
  • All survey data is absorbed into the dedicated information card of each asset in the ERPGIS system.
  • Production of a fee for the business sign and delivery to the taxpayer.
  • Possibility to manage the receipts on the toll in the signage toll management system.

The system includes the possibility of generating structured reports in different sections for business licensing data, properties that do not hold the required licensing, the ability to attach documents, images (PDF, JPG, etc.), queries, data export to Excel, and more.

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