Property survey in GIS all over the council, including permission to work in the Moshebat facilities, orthophoto mapping + blocks and plots and installation of a GIS system with an interface to the planning committee.
ERP\GIS system for managing a committee for planning, licensing and construction supervision
Property survey and property tax, authority mapping, GIS system for engineering management and collection.
Property survey, authority mapping, orthophoto of the jurisdiction 1:2500 and the built-up area 1:1250 + blocks and plots
Property survey, GIS system for managing about 3000 properties in the fields of taxation and engineering, infrastructure survey
House and street numbering survey according to the law in the GIS system , including the mapping of the council, updating the layer of blocks and plots, planning the numbering and accompanying the authority
Survey and GIS system for managing the authority’s assets
Establishing a GIS system for managing property taxes and signage fees in businesses, taxes and population, orthophoto mapping and GOH
GIS system for managing signage fees in businesse
Survey and establishment of a GIS system for taxation on the basis of potage mapping, blocks of plots of land and infrastructure. The council’s computerization in IBM systems
Survey and GIS system for managing road signs and traffic commission
Survey and GIS system for managing the authority’s assets
Authority mapping – current orthophoto
The Council’s computerization in IBM systems, including GIS software (without training)
Property survey and property tax, authority mapping, GIS system for managing fees and charges.
Authority mapping – photogrammetry in specification 827 of Bezeq and Chai
Collecting and calculating blocks and plots of analytes from field registers of the Measurements Division as a background for the GIS system as a basis for an available local government project
Survey and system for managing signage fees in businesses
Survey and GIS system for managing road signs and traffic committee
Survey and establishment of a GIS system for the management of municipal property taxes, municipal infrastructures and public housing on the basis of orthophoto blocks and plots and population data
Authority mapping – current orthophoto
Survey of water allowances for gardens in the GIS system
GIS system for property management in the fields of collection and engineering
GIS system for property management in the fields of collection and engineering
Mapping the authority, updating blocks and plots, survey and setting up a GIS system for taxation and engineering
Engineering measurements for infrastructure planning
Survey and GIS system for property management and property tax
Survey and GIS system for managing the authority’s assets
GIS system for calculating fees and charges and asset management
GIS system for managing water meters
GIS system for infrastructure management
Asset survey and GIS system for asset management in the field of collection
GIS system for managing water and sewage infrastructure
Survey and GIS system for property management and property tax
The establishment of a GIS system including geographic information management , property survey and property tax, municipal infrastructure, etc.
GIS system for managing storage facilities
Property survey, authority mapping, updating blocks and plots, GIS system for engineering management and collection
Survey and GIS system for property management and property tax
Survey and GIS system for managing the authority’s assets
Survey and GIS system for property management and property tax
GIS system for managing the urban gardening and irrigation system, management of tree surveys, supervision and control of contractors
Survey and GIS system for property management and property tax
GIS -based address survey of house and street numbers According to the order of the authorities
ERP\GIS system for managing water and sewage wet infrastructures
Urban gardening mapping, GIS system for gardening management the urban
Survey of road signs and establishment of a GIS system for managing traffic committees
Survey of public gardens, GIS system for urban gardening management
Property survey, GIS system for property management in the fields of collection and engineering
Quality control for property survey in GIS performed by another company
Photogrammetric mapping
GIS system for managing geographic information and property tax in the Barkan and Shakhaq industrial areas
GIS system for property management in the fields of collection and engineering
Survey of addresses, house numbers and streets according to the ordinance of the authorities , mapping the city, updating the layer of blocks and plots, and accompanying the authority
Survey and management of the advertising facilities in the city, the array of signs, billboards, bicycles, etc., in a dedicated GIS system, including supervision and control
Survey of addresses, house numbers and streets according to the ordinance of the authorities , mapping of the authorities , updating and accompanying the authority
Property survey, property tax survey, fees and levies, establishment of a GIS system to link engineering and collection
Property survey and property tax based on GIS
Survey and GIS system for managing the authority’s assets
GIS system for managing water meters and urban gardening
GIS system for property management in the fields of collection and engineering
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